Moving Beyond Ourselves
To become the best version of ourselves, we need to move beyond our previous self. An inner path includes looking at all facets and traits of who and what we seem to be, until our true nature appears.
On a journey of human growth and healing, determination and a keen interest in realizing further human potential is essential. It might also take a 'dark night of the soul' to help us see the light and shift gears. Moving on, looking at our shadows can be challenging at first, before it becomes a passion often releasing lots of baggage. Release! Consciously travelling on an inner growth path, we soon realize the body has to follow – or even lead. To stay ahead of receiving illness, there is plenty of preventive and uplifting actions we can make. Being conscious of what we eat, drink and do for our well-being is key for what kind of health trajectory we will experience. Taking charge, we can extend having great health and wellbeing by years. Beyond healing sessions, we promote hydrating well on healthy water, and energy healing technology to assist us. Working out at the gym is especially important for those of us with a tendency for a belly, and there sure are great benefits to having an agile body. |
Here's to your wellness and inspiration, health and thrive:
- NUTRITIONAL: Some healthy daily eating habits, what we've found to work well over the years.
- HYDRATIONAL: Healthy water, lots of it. Warm naturally made tea and espresso coffee.
- VIBRATIONAL: Proven wellness assistance technology, to augment your wellbeing and daily presencing practices.
- ENERGETIC: Full Spectrum Healing for when you want a hands-on session, or by distance.
Healthy Nutrition
For a wholesome approach to health, here' Steinar's advice on body, mind and food habits:
- Hydrate your life: Start the day with a large glass of water first thing in the morning, nothing else. I then make my special tea with fresh ginger, cinnamon sticks and a chili, which I drink while taking natural supplements as well. Recommended daily hydration is 3-5L of water, I max that.
- Still the mind: Do your kind of stillness, be it meditation, watching the sunrise slowly, walking nature or reading a divine book. All just all of it!
- No distraction: It's great to hydrate and do stillness practice BEFORE opening the phone, pad or laptop. I find a non-distraction morning deeply nourishing.
- Intermittent fasting? I often eat in a window of hardcore 2-4 hours (20-22 hours between), no breakfast but a lemoned root juice to start the day. At age 63, I build muscle strength while slimming up, and beyond. For starting intermittent fasting, eat over less than eight hours (I do 4-6 hours, normally). The minimum between eating is 16 hours, as it takes about 14 hours to enter ketosis, where the body starts eating fat. Adjust.
- Challenge the heart. This is the core physical part. Doctors suggest doing something 3-4 times a week that gets your heart rate up and beyond 140 beats/min. Wether at the gym, doing energetic yoga or running, the body loves getting regular exercise. A former top cyclist I still use my fav bike to stretch my legs, as we say it, when summer – with skiing in the now longer and colder winter in Norway.
- Check nutrition. Do you feel light, vibrant and full of energy? Or do you feel bloated, foggy and even sick? What does your body say? Now and then, it's a great idea to check your nutrition with experts (doing hair or blood tests).
Next-Level Vibrational Assistance for WellnessWelcome to the groundbreaking healing technology that we offer, capable of updating your wellness and thrive. Often, our health follows.
Healy wellness: A highly advanced instrument with menus to choose from, to address virtually every aspect of our lives. Physically, the Healy device is light enough to wear, operated by a phone app. The MagHealy is movable, not wearable. iTeraCare wellness: Another advanced instrument, this one is more physical – just plug it in and blow terahertz frequencies straight on the area to affect. If you have a pain or any other body challenge, direct the "hairdryer-like" instrument onto it. Needing no phone or app, it takes a wall socket to operate and in our experience it's especially effectual against inflammations. It will energize your water, as well.
All our promoted products work at the vibrational/energetic level, with groundbreaking technology founded in longterm research and use at hospitals and holistic wellness centres.
- What more wellbeing & health do you desire?
- Where does your body tell you that something is out of alignment?
Full Spectrum Healing
Deep down, we all have the inner strength to turn deeply devastating experiences into renewed celebrations of life. Practicing what we preach, we are here to offer a myriad of approaches to uplifting your wellbeing, genuine joy and thrive.
Our clients include longterm meditators wanting to go yet deeper. We all do well in releasing some of the baggage we carry, individually and collectively. Emptying, we can open to new gifts being delivered within. For each session we listen to your unique needs, combining modalities to suit the day and your desires.
Our clients include longterm meditators wanting to go yet deeper. We all do well in releasing some of the baggage we carry, individually and collectively. Emptying, we can open to new gifts being delivered within. For each session we listen to your unique needs, combining modalities to suit the day and your desires.
Steinar’s healing sessions always feel extraordinary for me. I write down all my spiritual, emotional, mental and physical experiences after his lovely, divine, and out of this world exercises and music. In the last session I had, it helped me to connect with my twin flame on an emotional and spiritual level, and connected me to unconditional love again. It made me feel at peace and whole, and that everything was going to be alright. Thank you, Steinar, for these beautiful experiences. May God bless you.
Lenka Graner
Energy healer & Shiatsu Massage facilitator
Energy healer & Shiatsu Massage facilitator
A heartfelt thank you Steinar, for the distance healing from Bali to here in Norway, given while I slept. It was a moment in my life when I needed loving support the most. And best of all it helped me to move out from this chronic fatigue syndrome, to lift my eyes to the horizon and easier envision a brighter future. Three days later, a deeper sense of peace landed within me – to stay.
Kristin Lotherington
Project Manager
Project Manager